Official's Resources

Official’s Resources

Misconduct and Match Guidelines

Shot Clock Information Sheet

How to fill out an Official Game Sheet

Guide to Solo Officiating

Officials Registration Information - RAMP


Officials Webinar Series


Coaches Feedback Form from Officials

This form is meant for OFFICIALS ONLY, and serves as a location for refs to provide feedback to coaches.

There may be games that have incidents that might not warrant any penalty or further action in the game, according to the rules, but this provides a space for that follow up. Feedback will NOT be sent to coaches directly, and if this feedback is sent to an association, that officials name will be removed.

This form is also meant to be used if you see something that a coach is doing particularly well!!

For more information on Match and Misconduct calls, please see the resources page under Officials.


Rule Book

For the 2019-2021 Rule Book, please visit Ringette Canada’s websit


Evaluations And Upgrades

Visit Ringette Albertas Website Here


Levels of Officials

Ringette Canada Officials Resources

Officials Pathway



Did you know that Ringette Canada has developed an an app for its rules and casebook?

The application allows users to search specific rules or officiating signals.

It is currently available on iOS and Android.


Becoming an Official is a rewarding and challenging experience. Officials have the opportunity to develop key skills and give back to the sport.

EFCLRA has a selection process in place which includes an application survey and an interview. Those accepted as Officials for the season will take a one-day Referee clinic. On-ice training will include mentoring and evaluations once the season begins.

Apply here:

Applications for the 2022/23 season need to be submitted by August 30th, 2022. Applications received after this date will be considered for the following season.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding officiating, please contact our Director of Officials Kim Patten, at

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