3V3 Schedule

Here is the schedule for 2024 3v3 Spring Ringette:



Home Away Day Date Start Time End Time BGL Arena Code BGL Arena Name
D1-1 D1-3 Sat 13-Apr-24 10:00 11:00 CLVW-B Clareview Arena B
D1-2 D1-4 Sun 14-Apr-24 13:30 14:30 CLWD-A Callingwood - Vern Davis Rink (formerly Arena A)
D1-4 D1-3 Sat 20-Apr-24 10:00 11:00 MWDS-A Millwoods Arena A
D1-2 D1-1 Sun 21-Apr-24 17:15 18:15 EKMN-B Kinsmen Twin Arenas B
D1-1 D1-4 Sat 27-Apr-24 10:00 11:00 CLVW-B Clareview Arena B
D1-3 D1-2 Sun 28-Apr-24 13:15 14:15 CLVW-B Clareview Arena B
D1-4 D1-2 Sat 04-May-24 16:30 17:30 MEAD-W The Meadows West
D1-1 D1-3 Sun 05-May-24 10:00 11:00 MWDS-A Millwoods Arena A
D1-3 D1-2 Sat 11-May-24 14:45 15:45 LOND Londonderry Arena
D1-4 D1-1 Sun 12-May-24 11:45 12:45 LOND Londonderry Arena
D1-2 D1-1 Sat 25-May-24 9:30 10:30 EKMN-A Kinsmen Twin Arenas A
D1-3 D1-4 Sun 26-May-24 16:00 17:00 TCRC-D Terwillegar Community Rec Centre D




Home Away Day Date Start Time End Time BGL Arena Code BGL Arena Name
D2-1 D2-4 Sat 13-Apr-24 11:15 12:15 CLVW-B Clareview Arena B
D2-3 D2-2 Sun 14-Apr-24 14:45 15:45 CLWD-A Callingwood - Vern Davis Rink (formerly Arena A)
D2-3 D2-4 Sat 20-Apr-24 11:15 12:15 MWDS-A Millwoods Arena A
D2-2 D2-1 Sun 21-Apr-24 18:30 19:30 EKMN-B Kinsmen Twin Arenas B
D2-4 D2-2 Sat 27-Apr-24 11:15 12:15 CLVW-B Clareview Arena B
D2-1 D2-3 Sun 28-Apr-24 14:30 15:30 CLVW-B Clareview Arena B
D2-2 D2-3 Sat 04-May-24 17:45 18:45 MEAD-W The Meadows West
D2-1 D2-4 Sat 04-May-24 19:00 20:15 MEAD-W The Meadows West
D2-2 D2-1 Sat 11-May-24 16:00 17:00 LOND Londonderry Arena
D2-4 D2-3 Sun 12-May-24 13:00 14:00 LOND Londonderry Arena
D2-3 D2-1 Sat 25-May-24 10:45 11:45 EKMN-A Kinsmen Twin Arenas A
D2-4 D2-2 Sat 25-May-24 12:00 13:00 EKMN-A Kinsmen Twin Arenas A




Home Away Day Date Start Time End Time BGL Arena Code BGL Arena Name
D3-4 D3-2 Sat 13-Apr-24 12:30 13:30 CLVW-B Clareview Arena B
D3-2 D3-5 Sun 14-Apr-24 16:00 17:00 CLWD-A Callingwood - Vern Davis Rink (formerly Arena A)
D3-1 D3-4 Fri 19-Apr-24 18:15 19:15 LOND Londonderry Arena
D3-3 D3-2 Sat 20-Apr-24 12:30 13:30 MWDS-A Millwoods Arena A
D3-5 D3-1 Sun 21-Apr-24 19:45 20:45 EKMN-B Kinsmen Twin Arenas B
D3-1 D3-3 Fri 26-Apr-24 20:00 21:00 LOND Londonderry Arena
D3-4 D3-5 Sun 28-Apr-24 15:45 16:45 CLVW-B Clareview Arena B
D3-4 D3-3 Sun 05-May-24 11:15 12:15 MWDS-A Millwoods Arena A
D3-5 D3-2 Sun 05-May-24 12:30 13:30 MWDS-A Millwoods Arena A
D3-3 D3-5 Sat 11-May-24 17:15 18:15 LOND Londonderry Arena
D3-3 D3-1 Sun 12-May-24 14:15 15:15 LOND Londonderry Arena
D3-2 D3-1 Fri 17-May-24 18:30 19:30 MWDS-A Millwoods Arena A
D3-5 D3-4 Fri 24-May-24 19:45 20:45 TCRC-A Terwillegar Community Rec Centre A
D3-2 D3-3 Sat 25-May-24 13:15 14:15 EKMN-A Kinsmen Twin Arenas A
D3-1 D3-4 Sun 26-May-24 17:15 18:15 TCRC-D Terwillegar Community Rec Centre D


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